We do not allow vending machines on the premises. All meals such as breakfast, lunch and snack are available at the school.
No carbonated drinks are served on the school grounds. Students are served a variety of milk with each meal. Water is readily available at water fountains around the school grounds. Whenever fruit juice is served for breakfast, it must be 100% natural juice.
Parents, we require your support and cooperation. Your child needs you to be a PARTNER in his/her education. Work closely with him/her and communicate with your child’s teacher frequently. Show your support by attending school activities and getting involved. Involved parents have involved healthy and successful children.
We will foster an atmosphere that is safe and conducive to the wellness of your children. All students are expected to demonstrate a positive attitude toward their peers, teachers and administrators. The staff will serve are role models to promote this behavior and maintain discipline in and out of the classrooms.
Each class, Kindergarten through
6th grades must participate in P.E. for a minimum of 30 minutes daily, unless
he/she has a medical condition. Teachers will also integrate physical activity
into their classroom subjects when possible. For example in a Social Studies
class, a teacher may have the class create a play, or a dance to illustrate a
certain event in history.
We will provide a variety of
physical activity to stimulate and challenge students throughout the school
year. Some additional activities other than P.E are a variety of sports, martial
arts and dance. These opportunities will assist students to challenge
themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally in having a healthy and active
Young Leaders Academy aims to provide a healthy and safe environment for all, before, during and after school. We feel that this will supports academic success. Healthier students do better in school and make greater contributions to their community.
Young Leaders Academy school buildings and grounds, indoor and outdoor structures, and equipment shall meet all current health and safety standards, including environmental air quality,
and be kept appealing, clean, safe and in excellent condition.
Young Leaders Academy will maintain a strict no drugs tolerance policy, and an environment that is free of
tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.
Personal Safety will be supported by ensuring procedures and appropriate training for students and
staff. We aim to have an environment that is free of violence and harassment of
any kind.
Our school and classroom shall work together to create an environment where students, parents/guardians and
staff are respected, valued and accepted with high expectations for personal
behavior and accomplishments.
Programs and services that support and value the social and emotional well being of students, families and staff build a healthy school environment.
Young Leaders Academy shall provide a supportive environment that includes guidance, counseling, and school social work services that encourages students, families and staff to request assistance when needed and links them to school or community resources. We currently work with Miami behavior Counseling Services to aid parents with students who are need of counseling or psychological evaluation.
Students shall be provided with the skills needed to express their thoughts and feelings in a responsible manner and give and receive support and respect to and from others.
Students shall be taught to understand and respect the differences in others and how to build positive interpersonal relations.
Students and staff shall be encouraged to balance work and recreation and will become aware and knowledgeable of aspects which may affect their development in the area of health and wellness.
Young Leaders Academy shall work in partnership with community health liaisons and resources to promote health and wellness for students, families, staff and community.
Family, student and community partners shall be included on an ongoing basis in our school’s wellness planning processes.
Young Leaders Academy will maintain relationships with Community partnerships and maintain them as resources for school, projects, activities and events.
Young Leaders Academy will actively develop and support the engagement of students, families and staff in community health enhancing activities and events at the school or throughout the community.
Young Leaders Academy shall provide information about wellness resources and services and establish a staff committee to assist in identifying and supporting the health, safety and well being of site staff.
Young Leaders Academy has environment free from physical dangers and emotional threat. We strive to promote an environment that is as safe as possible and consistent with all health and safety regulations, policies and rules.
Young Leaders Academy has a committee that is dedicated to ensuring students have a safe and nurturing environment as well as a balanced diet.
The wellness committee will monitor and evaluate on an annual basis if the guidelines of the wellness policy is being carried out in the most effective way. All annual reports conducted will be discussed at an annual committee meeting.
The committee will evaluate the progress at the end of each school and make recommendations or changes for improvement if needed.
Some assessments that will be implemented to evaluate the program is having surveys/questionnaires sent out to parents and students regarding the wellness of the school.
Feedback provided by the students, parents and staff will be used towards the improvement and revision of our wellness policy from year to year.